Our Phase I revitalization work achieved the following:
Church remodel
- Clean, beautify and repair all stained glass windows
- Install new doors, replace panic bars, install ADA door openers
- Modify altar platform for ADA access
- Install ADA ramps
- Replace carpet with tile
- Shorten 6 pews for wheelchair space
- Upgraded sound system
- Upgrade lighting
- Upgrade West-side confessionals for ADA access
- Refinished benches
- Repaired acoustic ceiling in rear of church
- New cabinets installed in sacristies
- New carpeting in sacristies
- Replaced holy water fonts
- Clean wood façade surrounding altar
- Remove communion rail
- Segregate baptistery using pillars from communion rail
- Repair ceiling
- Paint interior
- Create custom furniture
- Entry tile cleaned
- “Narthex” wall tile cleaned
- Remove, relocate and redesign ambo
Parish Hall upgrades
- Repair Roof
- Replace HVAC units
- Install wall padding
- Install new phone system and equipment
- Upgrade drinking fountains for ADA compliance
- Install new convection oven
- New blinds
- Repair kitchen floor
- Relocate kitchen gas shut-off valve
Saint John’s Hall/Seton Hall upgrades
- Repair Roof
- Upgraded men’s toilet to comply with ADA standards
- Reconstruct kitchen sink to comply with ADA standards
- Replace cracked ceramic floor tiles
- Replaced wall acoustical panels
- New carpeting in Seton
- Create Marian garden
Youth Room upgrades
- Install unisex, ADA bathroom and storage
Campus-wide upgrades
- New fire alarm
- New security alarm
- Re-key campus with a security key system
- Run wiring underground to link Pre-K, Food Closet, Youth Room and Extension to phone, computer/technology, and alarm systems
Rectory/Parish Office upgrades
- Replaced HVAC in rectory
- Replace patio fencing around rectory
- Install wrought iron fencing and automatic opener near rectory parking
- Misc. carport repairs
School remodelClassroom remodel
- Remove all asbestos and re-tile all floors
- New cabinets
- Added electrical outlets
- New blinds and curtains
- Add sinks in classrooms without sinks
- Creation of a science lab
- Upgrade flooring in computer lab
- Clean and repair skylights
- Add insta-hots in all classrooms
- Replaced all “chalkboards” and bulletin boards
- Modified storefronts to update look, hide wiring, etc.
- New intercom system
- Extended bell system for security alerts
- New door knobs and ADA levers
- Upgrade the electrical system
- Remodel nurse’s station and install ADA-compliant bathroom
- Install unisex, ADA bathrooms
- Rehabilitated existing bathrooms
- Installed ADA compliant drinking fountains
- Remove and replace acoustical tiles in ceiling
- Upgrade computer/technology wiring to include additional outlets, CAT-6 cabling, etc.
- Upgrade storage closet for new computer servers
- Upgrade cabinetry in administration building
- New desks
- Upgrade front office
- New front counter
- Replace carpet with tile
- Upgrade storefront for looks and ADA functionality
- Clean quarry tile on classroom exterior and breezeway
- Replaced courtyard landscaping with faux grass
Preliminary Construction Schedule
Aug 2019 – Aug 2020 Demolition of Convent (current Preschool)
Construction of new Parish Hall and Preschool
June 2020 - December 2020 Repurposing of exisiting Parish Hall into OLA Youth Center
Demolition of Extended Care building
Reconfiguration of parking lot
Fulfilling the Promise Campaign
Seventy years ago, a group of people had a vision, a vision of a new Catholic parish to serve the people of Carmichael and the Arden area. That vision came to fruition in the form of a church and a school which has served this community well. But like the church itself, visions require renewal and that day has arrived!
A new Parish Hall, a new preschool, the current hall renovated to become the center for the OLA Youth Group: these are not wants, but needs for OLA to continue to nurture and care for the families who will pass through their doors in the future. It is time to Fulfill the Promise and renew OLA.
Phase II Plans (2018-2020)
- $6.5M goal
- New Parish Hall to be built, which will include regulation basketball court, raised stage, pull-out bleachers, kitchen, and meeting rooms.
- New OLA Preschool to be built, capable of serving up to 60 children, with its own entrance on west side of campus
- Old Hall to be renovated as OLA Youth Center. It will house the OLA Youth group and the OLA Extension Program.
- New soundwall, fire line, and parking to be added.
Thank you for supporting OLA’s Fulfill A Promise Capital Campaign. To make your pledge please fill out the below pledge form and email it to capitalcampaign@olaparish.net or return to the Parish Office. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Elisabeth Gustorf in the campaign office at 916.481.5115 ext.203.
The size of your gift is inspired by your heart’s response to God’s call and divine plan for OLA. Supporting our parish and school with a sacrificial and transforming gift is easier and more affordable when given over a five-year period. Here are some examples:
- Multi-year Pledge
- One-time Gift
- Cash
- Stock/Marketable Securities
- Legacy Gift/ Bequest
- Deferred or Planned Gift (trust, annuity, etc.)
- Real Estate
- Letter of Intent
Please contact the Capital Campaign Office at (916) 481-5115 ext. 203 or capitalcampaign@olaparish.net for more information.
Simply request a pledge card and fill it out. Most pledges will be five years in length. For example, a $10,000 pledge will often be paid $2,000/year for five years. Given tax reform, it might be advantageous for you to pay the entire pledge in one year. Pledges can be immediate or they can stretch as long as seven years. You can also pledge appreciated stock or land, or you can make an estate gift. There is great flexibility in the way pledges can be structured, depending on your tax situation and personal income needs.
Your pledge will be spent on direct costs associated with the campaign and the Diocese will not receive any portion of it. Due to the fact that we are not using a consultant or professional fundraising firm, and that all administrative costs will be covered by funds left over from the first campaign, we can honestly say 100% of your money will be spent directly on this project. This is a campaign by OLA for OLA and will be run very efficiently.
Our goal is to raise the necessary funds by Thanksgiving. Concurrent with fundraising, we have also begun the permitting process with the County. If all goes well, construction will begin in 2019. The Preschool will be housed in temporary portable classrooms during construction.
No. It is important to note that the Capital Campaign is a special way to meet the parish’s needs that cannot be met through the weekly offertory or school fundraisers. Therefore, any gift to the capital campaign should be viewed as above and beyond your weekly offering and school contributions, which support the day-to-day operations of the parish and school.
Yes. All gifts to the Fulfilling the Promise campaign are tax deductible to the extent the law provides. Please consult your tax advisor for information on your personal tax situation.
Absolutely. There will be a donor wall in the entrance to the new Parish Hall. Donors will be recognized for their total gifts in Phases 1 and 2. So, if you gave $10,000 in the first phase and pledge $15,000 in the second phase, that would put you at the $25,000 level. There are also numerous Naming Rights still available, including for the Preschool and the Youth Hall. Naming Rights don’t have to be tied to the donor’s name. A donor could use the Naming Rights to honor a parent, teacher, or priest.
For any further questions please contact Kelly Brothers, Campaign Chair, at kelly@gbbwealth.com or Elisabeth Gustorf, Campaign Coordinator, at capitalcampaign@olaparish.net or 916.481.5115 ext. 203.
Dedication and Ribbon Cutting for Affinito Hall
Construction Timeline
February 9, 2021
Click HERE to see the February construction update from Kelly Brothers.
December 1, 2020
Click HERE to see the December construction update from Kelly Brothers.
November 4, 2020
Click HERE to see the November construction update from Kelly Brothers.
October 8, 2020
Click HERE to see the October construction update from Kelly Brothers.
September 4, 2020
Click HERE to see the September construction update from Kelly Brothers.
August 6, 2020
Hi OLA Family
Please click HERE to see the attached video for an update on the construction of the new OLA Parish Hall and Preschool.
Thank you to all those who have supported this project!
November 21, 2019
Please click HERE to see the newest construction update!
Thank you for your continued support!
June 10, 2019
This will not be a typically quiet summer at OLA. Work is underway as we prepare for construction of a beautiful new Parish Hall/Gym and a brand new Preschool. Here is what’s happening:
- Portables have been delivered and are being setup to accept our Preschool and Extension students in August.
- Work will soon begin to get the old Extension building ready to greet our preschoolers in August.
- Our Permitting team continues to work with the County to get final approval for construction. We’re hoping for definitive word by mid-July and shortly thereafter would begin demolition of the old convent/preschool.
- Our new Principal, Mr. Love, and Vice-Principal, Mr. Moore, are getting up to speed and are very excited about the possibilities, as we prepare to transform our campus.
Vineyard Dinner
To all of our donors who have pledged $7500 or more, be on the lookout for an invitation to a special event in mid-August. The Lucchetti/Vincent Families have offered to host a Vineyard Dinner on 8/16 to thank our most generous donors. (If there is anyone below the $7500 level who would like to increase their pledge to qualify for this event, you are more than welcome!) The fundraising is not over. $5.75 Million pledged is only about 75% of construction costs. Please consider a pledge so we can make sure this project is completed in its entirety!
THANK YOU to all of our donors!
This is a transformative project and you are a part of it!
We will update you throughout the summer as work progresses.
Pledge cards are available in the church, Parish Office, School Office and online at
https://olaparish.net/about/capital-campaign. You may return pledge cards to the School or Parish Office
Together let us renew OLA and ensure its future for generations to come!
It is time to BUILD!
- Fr. Eduino has decided to move forward with construction. Pending County approval, construction should begin sometime this summer.
- The Hall and Preschool will be built first, hopefully completed by Summer of 2020. To view a Preliminary Construction Calendar please click on the Capital Campaign Phase II tab above.
- More information regarding traffic patterns, portable classrooms, and construction logistics will be forthcoming.
- The fundraising is not over. We have $5.75 Million in pledges. The total cost will likely be about $6.75MM. But Fr. Eduino feels confident in the generosity of this community.
- Once we have final County Approval, all will be invited to a meeting to discuss the details and you will have an opportunity to ask any question your may have about the project.
THANK YOU to all of our donors for making this possible.
A Note from the Capital Campaign Chair
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
It is time to “make good” on a promise made a decade ago.
In 2008, OLA conducted a feasibility study to determine our parish’s priorities. Overwhelmingly, the Parish believed that a new Parish Hall was our greatest need. However, due to cost, competing needs, and a looming recession, the decision was made to begin with a $3 Million dollar campaign to upgrade the school and Church, both in dire need after years of deferred maintenance. That Campaign was a great success. Over $3 Million was pledged and 98% of those pledges came in, even during some very difficult years economically. The Church was upgraded (do you remember the purple carpet?). The School was completely renovated, with updates to roofing, climate control, electrical, and plumbing systems. If you donated to Phase One, thank you! Rest assured your money was well and efficiently used.
If you came to OLA after 2010, we’re glad you are here! We hope you share the desire to continuously improve our school, our Church, our Community.
We had the best of intentions to move on to Phase 2, but there was always a reason to put it off. No longer. The time is now! OLA needs a new Parish Hall. OLA needs a new Preschool. OLA needs a new Youth Center and Extended Care facility. These are plans that have been in motion for a decade, but the time to ACT on these ideas is now.
We are fortunate to have three honorary Chairmen of this Campaign. Our current Pastor, Fr. Eduino Silveira; and two former Pastors, Fr. Michael Kiernan and Fr. Brendan McKeefry. All three believe in this project and all three have already made personal pledges to the Campaign.
Please take the time to review the materials, attend an informational session, and prayerfully consider making a pledge. Let us never forget—when we walk into a Church or school for a first time— someone else has sacrificed time and money to build something that we now enjoy. This project is not just for us, but is our solemn paying forward of promises made long ago.
“…where two or more gather in my name, I am there with them.” MATTHEW 18:20
Thank you and God Bless OLA,
Kelly Brothers,
Campaign Chair