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2:00 p.m. Confirmation Mass
- If Mass does not begin by the scheduled time, refresh your browser. There may be a delay due to equipment or internet issues. The livestream should start within 5 minutes of its scheduled time.
- Smart TVs, Apple TV, Roku, ChromeCast, and FireStick all have YouTube and Vimeo apps, so you can watch Mass directly on your TV. Look for our channels: OLA Parish on YouTube, OLA Parish Carmichael on Vimeo.
- The weekend Masses will also be livestreamed on our Facebook page.
- The weekend Masses will be available to view throughout the weekend here on this page and also on our parish YouTube channel and parish Facebook page. Most of our past livestreamed Masses are permanently archived on OLA Parish on YouTube and OLA Parish Carmichael on Vimeo.
- If there are technical difficulties during the livestream, please check this page later for an upload of a recording of the Mass.
- Other special liturgies and prayer services will be livestreamed on our OLA Live page as announced.