Becoming Catholic - Children

Children's Faith Formation

Registration Information for 2024-2025

Faith Formation Registration Form 2024-25               Faith Formation Calendar 2024-25             

In-person registration will take place after the morning Masses on the following Sundays: August 18, August 25, and September 1 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation office (next to the parish office).  First day of the 2024-2025 OLA Faith Formation program is Sunday, September 15th, beginning with 9:00 a.m. Mass in the church followed by family orientation from 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in Bannon Hall.

Faith Formation is a life-long process designed to touch the intellect as well as the heart helping people live and experience a more Christ-centered life.  Through word, worship, service, and community, Faith Formation seeks to lead all people to deepening a relationship with God. 

The mission of the Faith Formation Program at Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) Parish is to provide effective ways to open the door to on-going conversion and a deep sense of faith, ultimately oriented toward the question of "How do I practically and authentically live my Catholic Faith?"

The program generally serves families with students in grades 1-8 who attend public schools or non-Catholic private schools.  Offering an opportunity to experience the love of God through scripture, tradition, liturgy, teaching, and the life of the Church.  The curriculum is delivered using stories, arts and crafts, music, and videos based on the weekly Gospel reading.

The goals include:

  • Growing in our relationship with Jesus.
  • Learning to live as God's disciples at home, work, in the community, and in the world.
  • Developing an understanding of the Bible and our Catholic faith traditions.
  • Deepening our spiritual life and practices.
  • Engaging in service and mission to our community and greater world.
  • Participating in the life and ministries of our faith community.

The program includes preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation/First Eucharist (2nd grade) and Confirmation (8th grade).

At minimum, students must participate in two consecutive years of faith formation culminating in the reception of the sacraments (if preparing for either Reconciliation/First Eucharist or Confirmation).

Registration fees help to recover the cost of textbooks and classroom materials.  Fees per family:

$65.00 - first student
$95.00 - second student in family
$125.00 - third or more students in family

There is an additional $25.00 sacramental preparation fee for each student in the First Eucharist or $40.00 for the Confirmation preparation program.

If you are unable to pay the tuition or need a payment plan, please contact to make arrangements. No child is ever turned away due to the inability to pay registration fees. 

Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:15 am to 11:30 am in Bannon Hall and begin on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

If you are called to catechetical ministry and would like to help with the program, please contact the Parish Office at (916) 481-5115 or the Faith Formation Coordinator at