Respect Life

We promote and increase awareness of basic human rights by respecting the God-given gift of life from conception to natural end of life.

The Gabriel Project is a parish-based pastoral outreach whose members stand together in their commitment to offer assistance to women and families facing difficult or crisis pregnancies.  A parish "angel" is assigned to clients for ongoing contact with the mother throughout her pregnancy and somewhat beyond to provide spiritual, emotional, and material support to help meet those needs.

For additional information or to volunteer, you can leave a message at the office, a message at 916-481-5115, or email either of the following:

Rose Ross:

Sharon Kropf:

Gabriel Project Baby Shower Registry Information

We host baby showers for mothers in need.  Please click on the Baby Registry links below if you wish to contribute a gift.  Thank you for your support!

Baby Shower for Brianna and Uriah on Sunday, April 6th from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in St. John's Hall.

Baby Registry for Brianna

Baby Registry for Uriah

“Angels act to promote life and act as helpers to get moms and families through difficult times,” says Gregg Gilles, who helps coordinate this ministry with Carolyn Albers.

Gabriel Project 0


Pregnant?  Worried?  Need Help? 

Call (800) 910-0191

Would you like to support our parish Gabriel Project or learn more about our parish Respect Life ministry?

For more information or to volunteer for service, please contact the parish office at 481-5115 or via email at