Opening the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

Bishop Soto entering cathedral doors jubilee

On December 28, 2024, members of our OLA family joined Bishop Soto in opening the Holy Doors of our Cathedral downtown, marking the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Hope! 

Bishop Soto Jubilee Cross

At the beginning of this special Mass, Bishop Soto stood at the top of the Cathedral steps and raised the special cross with the anchor which symbolizes hope, and invited the hundreds of faithful present to venerate it. He then knocked on the doors of the Cathedral before leading us through the Holy Doors.

Bishop Soto Cathedral doors

During the peace-filled Mass, Bishop Soto extended a personal invitation to each of us to follow Christ’s example in doing God’s work and to be Pilgrims of Hope.... For what do we hope during this Jubilee Year? There are three themes: To see God, To be living stones in His temple. To unite all creation in Christ.
We are all called to be Pilgrims of Hope! To learn more about the Jubilee Year of Hope, visit our diocesan Jubilee 2025 website at The site includes a welcome message from Bishop Soto, FAQs, information on the 12 pilgrimage sites and “24 Hours for the Lord” – 24 hours of continuous confessions being offered March 28-29, 2025, and much more!