
A lector is a lay minister who reads from the Lectionary at Mass or other liturgical celebrations. When the scriptures are read, it is as if the book disappears. The lector becomes the mouthpiece of God.

God uses the voice of the lector to say something modern, something new, something that applies to the world today. Yes, the words are old, but their proclamation is always new. Good lectors have a rich prayer life based on the Word of God.

Men, women, and teenage youth in high school (grades 9-12) who are fully initiated Catholics (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) are invited to participate as lectors for the community.  

For more information or to volunteer for service, please contact the parish office at 481-5115 or Casey Oliver at worship@olaparish.net.

Diocese of Sacramento Lector Webpage

Fourth Sunday of Lent Mass Information

March 24, 2025

We welcome you to join us at OLA this weekend for the celebration of the Fourth Sunday of Lent - Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday....Read more