Some people have a natural gift for hospitality. They love the company of others. They brighten up when you enter the room. They want you to visit their home, and they give you their full attention when you do. They want you to feel at home.
People come to church hungry for the bread of life and the cup of salvation. Nothing will feed them like the Eucharist. But something else happens before they begin to worship: You receive them. You sense their physical and spiritual needs. People are looking for a way to live a better life, not just to worship. Sometimes all they need is a welcome, some human contact, some attention that communicates to them that they are worth something.
When you greet people at church, you are greeting each one as a child of God.
Jesus emphasized the importance of giving welcome. He knew that those who were not welcomed might feel excluded. So he taught his followers to include others, especially those who don’t often receive welcome. Greeters help people to feel at home, helping them to meet others so they can develop a connection in the community.
For more information or to volunteer for service, please contact the parish office at 481-5115 or
Ushers help people participate at Mass.
They help worshipers find seats, they help take up the collection, they coordinate the presentation of the gifts and they give visitors necessary information. They contribute to the flow of all weekend and holiday Masses and various liturgical and sacramental services.
Men, Women and Families are invited to serve as Ushers and Greeters.
For more information or to volunteer for service, please contact the parish office at 481-5115 or