Music Ministry

A vibrant and active music ministry is essential to the worship of the parish.

The OLA Music Ministry is open to all who wish to support the full, conscious, and active participation of the assembly during the celebration of Mass, prayer services, and more.  Music ministers serve either in the pews and/or on the music risers as members of ensembles to offer comprehensive leadership and encouragement of the singing assembly.  Volunteers are needed for the Choir in the Pews at all Masses, and volunteers are also needed for our ensembles.  Vocalists and instrumentalists are welcome. 

Choir in the Pews

Choir in the Pews is a volunteer evangelical ministry that is open to all ability levels.  A 20-minute weekly online musician prayer service and support materials are offered to all who participate.  We need prepared singers in the pews who are willing to sing out during Mass and other prayer services to support and encourage the singing of others.  An engaged and singing assembly glorifies God and helps evangelize!  A singing assembly is a welcoming assembly.  Members of Choir in the Pews are especially encouraged to give input regarding song selection for Masses.  If you have been interested in participating in music ministry but have never had the time, this ministry is for you.

Weekly Music Ministry and Choir in the Pews Resources

Digital Worship Aid for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Music List

(Hyperlinks in the song titles are from YouTube.)

Prelude:  By Our Love (verses 1 and 2)

Entrance:  Lift Up Your Hearts (verse 1)

Psalm:  "The Lord is kind and merciful."

Preparation of the Gifts:  Open My Eyes (all verses)

Communion:  Ubi Caritas - Hurd

Recessional:  They'll Know We Are Christians (verses 1 and 2)

Music Ministry Prayer 2024 Text Image Only

Please contact our music director Casey Oliver at if you would like to sign up for Choir in the Pews, or if you are interested in particpating in an ensemble.  All are welcome!

“The focus during the liturgy is the Lord, and if during our praise and worship, we are surrounded by voices singing His praises, it is easier to freely participate without worrying about standing out or singing a wrong note,” Casey says. “Singing becomes an automatic and outward expression of worship when you don’t have to overthink it or worry about being the only one around you singing.” Casey Oliver, OLA Music Director

OLA Virtual Choir - Easter Sunday

Jesus Christ is Risen Today - Traditional