Love and Serve God • Love and Serve One Another
Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) Parish is known throughout the Sacramento region for its abundant generosity and its vibrant ministries.
Thank you for prayerfully considering participating in one (or more) of our parish ministries, and thank you for allowing us to serve you and to pray for you when you are in need in any way.
If you want more information about our ministries, or if are interested in participating in ministry, please send an email to our Ministry Coordinator, Jane Ricci at You should receive an email response within 3-5 days. You may also call the parish office at (916) 481-5115.
You are also welcome to view our current ministry handbook by clicking on the button below.
2024 OLA Ministry Handbook
If you need current information about a specific ministry, you may also view their individual webpage by clicking on the name of the ministry below. For your convenience, we have categorized our ministries by the Four Pillars of Stewardship: prayer, hospitality, formation, and service. Please review all of the ministries and discern how God is calling you to get involved.
Prayer Ministries
Prayer prepares us to do God’s will, strengthens our faith in God, and helps us to love.
Altar Guild
Christian Meditation
Eucharistic Homebound Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Mass Captains and Sacristans
Hospitality Ministries
Jesus teaches that when we welcome one another, we welcome Him.
Martha & Mary Gathering
P.E.R.T. (People Enjoying Retirement Together)
Pray and Play
Women’s Book Club
Formation Ministries
Throughout our lives, we seek to draw closer to God.
Liturgy of the Word for Children
RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Sacrament Preparation (Baptism/Marriage)
Service Ministries
God calls us to put love in action through concrete acts of service.
Carmichael HART
Front Office Volunteers